Habits of fit people – part one

Five habits of fit people

Habits of sixpack fitness. Abs of fire 5 habits


Fit these five habits into your daily life and you are five steps closer to full health and fitness.


1) Ultra Hydration

There are plenty of reasons to drink water, as I am sure, you have heard that around 60% of your body is made out of water. So logically makes sense that water plays such important role in your health.

You have more water in your body than a fish. Fish don’t sweat, but you do, especially when you exercise. When you sweat, you lose water and a loss of water causes muscle fatigue.

Water also slows down the aging process by keeping your skin healthy and slowing down the wrinkling process. Muscle fatigue is not the most damaging aspect of water loss, your kidneys can suffer too. Fit people drink plenty of water.


2)Fit without excuse

 When did you settle for an excuse rather than a workout?

  • Too many dumplings, too few dumbbells.
  • Muscle’s spraining, I’ll do no training
  • Mood is no good, I’ll hit the snooze
  • I’m just too busy, can’t get too fizzy

Don’t listen to excuses. All the above are just excuses.

A good athlete knows these are just excuses and it is guaranteed that 99% of the time he will be very happy that he didn’t listen to his excuses.

Even with minor injuries, you can still train other parts of the body or at least do some stretching.


3)Time Managers

 Schedule your food intakes to maintain high energy levels and avoid feeling sluggish.

You cannot exercise without Energy, neither can you with a full stomach .

You need to make sure you have had no food


 4)Protocol is no alcohol

 Athletes are very careful what they drink. If they are on a night out, they will stay away from high calorie alcohol with high sugar content such as cider and beer.

Alcohol intake will leave you dehydrated the next day and can cause your energy levels to be lower than usual.


5)They don’t sit at the bar, they raise the bar.

Being fit fit is a lifestyle.

Have you heard the expression, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with” ?

Friends who catch up at bars have lower fitness levels than friends who catch up through physical activities.


In a nutshell

 More than 60% of your body is made out of water. Water also helps remove toxic substances from your body and it’s the logical action to drink plenty of water.

If you don’t feel like exercising, ask yourself why. Understand that 99% of excuses are just that, excuses. You will be surprised how much satisfaction you’ll get out of a workout. Your working out will release endorphins in your brain (The Happy hormone)

Eat 2 to 3 hours before your workout.

Drink alcohol occasionally, and only if you plan on having a rest day the following day.

Try to find places other than the pub to meet your friends.



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